专著推荐 | 《体裁网络》Genre Networks
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Genre Networks
Carmen Pérez-Llantada is Professor of English at the University of Zaragoza, Spain. Her principal research interest lies in written genres in academic and research settings, with a focus on emerging genres in digital environments. She is the author of Research Genres across Languages (2021).
María-José Luzón is a Senior Lecturer (PhD) at the University of Zaragoza. Her current research focuses on the analysis of digital genres, and genre relations, for science communication and dissemination. She has published in Applied Linguistics and Journal of English for Academic Purposes, among others.
Pérez-Llantada 和 Luzón 主张将科学 2.0 概念化,将数字流派与其他流派结合起来看待,考虑不同的互联网用户选择不同切入点来获取不同深度、观点和观点的科学信息的方式。本书以Swales对体裁集体形式的概念化为出发点,提出了对数字科学传播中多模态体裁组合的新理解,考虑了体裁之间相互依存关系中的超文本性、互文性和多模态性。该书借鉴了一系列案例研究,每个案例研究都有独特的流派组合和社会议程,探索了高风险科学、开放同行评审、科学可重复性、公民科学和社交媒体网络等领域。
This book aims to expand our current understanding of genres for science communication online through the examination of the semiotic interactions between connected genres in media environments. It should be made clear from the very beginning that this book does not specifically seek to describe individual (or single) genres. This has already been done by the seminal literature (see, e.g. Gross and Buehl, 2016; Gross and Harmon, 2016; Kelly and Miller, 2016) and by an increasingly informative stock of current research. Rather, this book seeks to explain how specialized knowledge is constructed, transformed, reproduced, and reinterpreted within forms of genre collectivity in the digital environment. We will conceptualize these forms as genre networks in order to understand how scientific knowledge is co-constructed by different social actors (rhetors) and dialogized across expert audiences and non-specialist audiences, including the general public and diversified audiences. In doing so, and taking a theoretical stand, we also seek to foreground the timeliness of genre theory in the English for Academic Purposes genre tradition (Swales, 1990, 2004) and the value of the genre lens as an analytical tool to investigate the complex intersemiotic relations that are established within, between, and among connected genres and modes in online environments.
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